Gerricke's Point

Western Cape, South Africa

가입하시고, 최신 기상정보를 확인하세요!

spedmo 에 무료 가입하시고, 패러글라이딩 정보도 받아가세요.

현재 조건

알람 없음.

언제나 비행하시기 전에 꼭 기억하세요! 장비 확인, 조건 확인, 안전 제일 리스트를 확인하세요!!

Aaron Hughes 비디오를 올렸습니다
Paragliding from Sedgefield to Gerricke's point

이륙장소의 풍향이 필요


-34.0313, 22.7637 : 129.0 m


7:20 오전


5:31 오후


남아프리카 시간 (+0200)

This is a Fynbos (a type of heather) reserve. Do not litter, do not smoke,do not make fires, do not speed on the road. Violating any rule will get you banned for life. Please read the posted rules and regulations. Pay the usage fee at Wilderness beach hotel or Fynbos restaurant / Cheeseman at the entry gate to Gerricke's Point. It will get you a sticker for your helmet and allows you to fly the whole Garden Route (25 sites), except Gerricke's Point which is a small extra fee to fly on private property. Please purchase the site guide from It has been excerpted here many times. Please support this excellent publication.

130m ASL Just 50m to the right of the small clearing where you parked. Please launch towards the front of the ridge to minimize environmental impact of our flying on the Fynbos reserve, where the owners graciously (although we pay for it) let us fly. Toplanding in strong wind can be tricky and shouldn't be attempted by beginners, unless guided by an instructor. Please land as much towards the front of the ridge. Otherwise, to the east on the beach, just in front of the small parking area and toilets. Please be mindfull of beach patrons. From George or Wilderness, drive along the N2 towards Sedgefield untill you reach a restaurant on your right called Fynbos Grill. Stop there to sign and pay the entry fee of 75 rand. Then drive up the road (great condition), past the owners house - respect the owners privacy and do not speed. You will arrive at a small clearing. Park here. ceiling 465m ASL ceiling 465m ASL

SE light wind only. Excellent if Paradise ridge is too light ( 25km/hour) wind.

아래의 회원님들이 해당 장소의 업데이트를 받고 있습니다.

4 km
7 km
10 km
19 km
23 km
38 km


N 0 0
NNE 0 0
NE 0 0
ENE 0 0
E 10 0
ESE 10 0
SE 10 0
SSE 0 0
S 0 0
SSW 0 0
SW 0 0
WSW 0 0
W 0 0
WNW 0 0
NW 0 0
NNW 0 0