Western Australia, Australia
spedmo 에 무료 가입하시고, 패러글라이딩 정보도 받아가세요.
알람 없음.
-32.0108, 115.7772 : 30.0 m
6:10 오전
6:45 오후
오스트레일리아 서부 표준시 (+0800)
Not an easy place to fly, but a stunning location above the river and some of Perth's more desirable real estate. It is a requirement of our continued access to this site that only advanced pilots may fly here. Overseas pilots require IPPI5 or another rating accepted equivalent to the Australian advanced rating. If you wish to fly this site and do not have an advanced rating, please contact an instructor and get one.
Launch is possible from grassy areas at either end of the park, south end in a north easterly and north end in an easterly. Flying is not allowed past the end of the park as part of access arrangements with the council. Fantastic views over the city and across to Rottnest. Often flyable in the mornings with thermals coming through later in the day. The airspace ceiling of 1500 feet is achievable on rare days. In light conditions the site will only support 1-3 gliders so share the air. People have been known to bottom land on the Point Walter Sand bar, but this entails either a long swim or a 10km walk to get back to take off, so out and returns are better.
Only fly this site if your top landing skills are very good as you may have to land in a hurry in a very tight space in lift or sink. Top landing is tight, no bottom landing in river, the bushes on the ridge are a better option, do not underestimate the hazards of water landings, it is very easy to drown attached to a paraglider. Part of the face is sheer cliffs lots of power lines and trees. There is almost no safe option if the wind gets too strong while flying, so be cautious and land early if there is a possibility of strong winds. Conditions can be hard to judge from the ground as due to the cliff the wind often feels lighter and a better direction on takeoff than it really is. This is a public park; take care to maintain clearance from the public.