England, UK
spedmo 에 무료 가입하시고, 패러글라이딩 정보도 받아가세요.
알람 없음.
50.8857, -0.21296 : 193.0 m
50.89, -0.2178 : 65.0 m
7:50 오전
4:36 오후
그리니치 표준시 (+0000)
This site has a half-mile NW ridge, leading westwards to a N facing bowl with a NE spur, followed by a 2 mile N ridge (more a series of bowls) to Truleigh Hill. To avoid congestion problems consider using Firle, Ditchling or Truleigh as an alternative.
na. na. na. 3500 ft to the north, and FL55 to the south 3500 ft to the north, and FL55 to the south