Ebenalp (Appenzell)

Appenzell Innerrhoden, Switzerland

가입하시고, 최신 기상정보를 확인하세요!

spedmo 에 무료 가입하시고, 패러글라이딩 정보도 받아가세요.

현재 조건

알람 없음.

언제나 비행하시기 전에 꼭 기억하세요! 장비 확인, 조건 확인, 안전 제일 리스트를 확인하세요!!

Tom Weber 12 km 비행을 했습니다
Tom Weber 9 km 비행을 했습니다

이륙장소의 풍향이 필요


47.2842, 9.41057 : 1598.0 m

착륙 정보

47.2837, 9.427 : 878.0 m


7:38 오전


5:36 오후


중부유럽 표준시 (+0100)

Attention: also numerous cables!! More info on http://www.flyland.ch. Airspaces in Switzerland are a tough subject, get all the info you can get before flying.

Different TO's available! - HG's takeoff right underneath gondola; - South TO: take off : 47.2837N, 9.4133E; - North TO: as indicated on map: 3min walk from gondola. Different LZ's for HG and PG: - HG's land in the field to the North of the gondola station in 'Wasserauen'; - PG's: as indicated on map (to the south of railway station 'Wasserauen') Gondola from 'Wasserauen' http://www.ebenalp.ch/de/l... ATTENTION: different restrictions in force: check map at gondola station or see map at: http://www.ebenalp.ch/tl_f... ATTENTION: different restrictions in force: check map at gondola station or see map at: http://www.ebenalp.ch/tl_f...

Föhn!!!! Weather info: Act wx: +41 79 269 07 27

아래의 회원님들이 해당 장소의 업데이트를 받고 있습니다.

6 km
32 km
33 km
37 km
37 km
45 km
44 km
50 km


N 10 0
NNE 0 0
NE 0 0
ENE 0 0
E 10 0
ESE 0 5
SE 0 5
SSE 0 0
S 0 0
SSW 0 0
SW 0 0
WSW 0 0
W 0 0
WNW 0 0
NW 10 0
NNW 10 0