State of Espírito Santo, Brazil
spedmo 에 무료 가입하시고, 패러글라이딩 정보도 받아가세요.
알람 없음.
-18.8985, -40.298 : 416.0 m
-18.8945, -40.2863 : 165.0 m
5:21 오전
6:25 오후
브라질리아 표준시 (-0300)
Wide ramp. Official landing right below, close to the mountain base, alternative landing areas all along the road. Circa 144 miles from Vitoria and 7.5 miles from Vila Valerio city. Get the BR-101 Norte road, exit to Colatina, go to Sao Gabriel da Palha and then to Vila Valerio. Follow signs to Rampa do Veinho�; good access to the ramp.