breche perier

Auvergne Rhône-Alpes, France

가입하시고, 최신 기상정보를 확인하세요!

spedmo 에 무료 가입하시고, 패러글라이딩 정보도 받아가세요.

현재 조건

알람 없음.

언제나 비행하시기 전에 꼭 기억하세요! 장비 확인, 조건 확인, 안전 제일 리스트를 확인하세요!!

이륙장소의 풍향이 필요


44.9574, 6.0378 : 2503.0 m

착륙 정보

44.9728, 6.0691 : 1503.0 m


8:05 오전


4:55 오후


중부유럽 표준시 (+0100)

a good idee is to walk to the 'col du vallon' (Vallon pass) after this flight, to coming back to venosc by the sky. ;-)

mountain take-off, walk from 'La danchère'(990m) to perier pass (2491m). hight: 1500m. on the beach of Lauvitel Lac (1500m). na. Don't fly in the end of the Lauvitel valley, it's forbiden. A convention was signed with the national park, please stop at the House-park to take the map with all the forbiden area. Don't fly in the end of the Lauvitel valley, it's forbiden. A convention was signed with the national park, please stop at the House-park to take the map with all the forbiden area.

27 km
30 km
35 km
36 km
39 km
43 km
46 km
53 km
53 km


N 0 0
NNE 0 0
NE 0 0
ENE 0 0
E 0 0
ESE 0 0
SE 0 0
SSE 0 0
S 0 0
SSW 0 0
SW 0 0
WSW 0 0
W 0 0
WNW 0 0
NW 10 0
NNW 0 0