le Puet

Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, France

가입하시고, 최신 기상정보를 확인하세요!

spedmo 에 무료 가입하시고, 패러글라이딩 정보도 받아가세요.

현재 조건

알람 없음.

언제나 비행하시기 전에 꼭 기억하세요! 장비 확인, 조건 확인, 안전 제일 리스트를 확인하세요!!

이륙장소의 풍향이 필요


43.7102, 6.8282 : 1016.0 m

착륙 정보

43.7023, 6.8371 : 720.0 m


6:23 오전


8:37 오후


중부 유럽 표준시 (+0200)

Not a federal site so take information before at www.spiritparapente.fr before! and you will welcome! the club 'ciel de siagne' is the owner the web site is www.cieldesiagne.fr

At 10min by feet of the Napoleon road in St-vallier de Thiey. A private site of the school and the local club. But all pilots are welcome if you are completly informed about rules. Possible to find the rules at 'Ciel de Siagne' or spiritparapente.fr Ideal for soaring, thermals not too strong, XC an flat XC. Maybe the new better site during winther, it's possible to fly with East, West, south and little north! A technical landing forbidden for school and initiation. the Landing is near a little church, 200m long. The brise comming from the south in 60%, exactly perpendicular 30% and west 10%. So each pilot must take information beafor landing here! It's a very beautiful site but very fragil beacause nex and really near the village. Thanks and you're welcome! Not a federal site so take information before at www.spiritparapente.com before! and you will welcome! Local regulation, so take information at spiritparapente.fr the club 'ciel de siagne' is the owner but the web site is 'out of order actually!' Local regulation, so take information at spiritparapente.fr the club 'ciel de siagne' is the owner but the web site is 'out of order actually!'

North and North-est if it's strong!

9 km
12 km
12 km
15 km
15 km
52 km


N 0 0
NNE 0 0
NE 0 0
ENE 0 0
E 0 5
ESE 0 5
SE 0 5
SSE 0 5
S 0 5
SSW 0 5
SW 0 5
WSW 0 5
W 0 5
WNW 0 0
NW 0 0
NNW 0 0