
Gyeonggi-do, South Korea

가입하시고, 최신 기상정보를 확인하세요!

spedmo 에 무료 가입하시고, 패러글라이딩 정보도 받아가세요.

현재 조건

알람 없음.

언제나 비행하시기 전에 꼭 기억하세요! 장비 확인, 조건 확인, 안전 제일 리스트를 확인하세요!!

Aaron Hughes 비디오를 올렸습니다
Paragliding Yangpeong South Korea

Paragliding in the mountains in South Korea. The site is called Yumyungsan and it is near Yangpyeong, South Korea. The instructor is Won, from ...

이륙장소의 풍향이 필요

Paragliding Yangpeong South Korea
Paragliding in the mountains in South Korea. The site is called Yumyungsan and it is near Yangpyeong, South Korea. The instructor is Won, from ...
Aaron Hughes 추가되었습니다


37.5737, 127.485 : 804.0 m

착륙 정보

37.5586, 127.462 : 143.0 m


5:19 오전


7:34 오후


대한민국 표준시 (+0900)

A regular thermal flows up the south face of the peak to the West of the launch.

The site features three launch areas that cater for slightly different wind directions. All launch sites are netted over so snagging is rare. The two most popular launch sites are free from obstructions and have gentle grassy slopes. The third is steeper and has trees either side as you take off. The landing is a large grassy field. Approach is best made over the trees to the rightas you aproach from the mountain. There is a power line running along the road to the left of the field. Due to the landing zone being at the convergence of three valleys, the wind frequently shifts and can blow in different directions at the same time. Keep approach speed high. Take the Jungang line out of Seoul and get off in Yangpyeong. From there take a taxi (15 min approx)to the landing zone (near Hanwha resort).

20 km
34 km
43 km


N 0 5
NNE 0 5
NE 0 5
ENE 0 5
E 10 0
ESE 10 0
SE 10 0
SSE 10 0
S 10 0
SSW 10 0
SW 10 0
WSW 10 0
W 10 0
WNW 10 0
NW 10 0
NNW 0 5